2025 Show Highlights
- Birthday celebrations - Lionel @ 125, and NMRA @ 90
- Train Rides - CTrail Railroad Hobby Show pass
- Maggie the Railroad Clown - stage shows for kids of all ages
- Long freight trains on the Dry Hill Model Railroad - 250+ cars
- Women In Model Railroading - operating session Saturday evening, Meet & Greet 2unday morning
- HO-scale models of YOU - from miniprints full-body scanning and printing system
- If you wish to Volunteer and help us produce the largest Show in the country, CLICK HERE
About the Show
The Railroad Hobby Show is an annual event sponsored by the Amherst Railway Society, and the largest railroad-themed trade show in America. Twice, the show has received the Walther’s Showmanship Award in recognition of our efforts to promote interest in railroads and model railroads.The event features - operating model railroads, railroad historical and preservation societies, travel agencies, as well as railroad art, photography, videos, and books. Major railroad publications and model railroad manufacturers attend the show, and many use the Railroad Hobby Show to introduce new products.
The Amherst Railway Society has used proceeds from the show to support the work of many railroad-related nonprofit organizations. Since 1991, the society has donated $829,252 to railroad preservation and restoration projects all over the country.
Learn more about the Amherst Railway Society at: amherstrail.org.
Television Interview - John Sacerdote and Dick Joyce
Show History
- In the mid 1960's, the few members of the newly formed Amherst Railway Society thought that there should be some type of "get together" for folks (other than the members) to experience the hobby of Model Railroading.
- Feb. 20, 1968 - This notation was logged into the minutes - “unusually large collection of locomotives and cars displayed; 68 members."
- Feb. 18, 1969 - This evening was called “Modeler Night.” This evening included displays, models and photos. Extra tables and flood lights were provided. The meeting was in Goessman Hall on the UMASS Amherst campus.
- Feb. 17, 1970 - This evening was called “Annual Model RR Night” and included displays, models, auction, tape/slide clinic. The event met in Skinner Auditorium on the UMASS Amherst campus. The meeting began at 7:45 p.m. and lasted for 90 minutes.
- Feb. 16, 1971 - The evening was called “Model RR Night” and included an auction, displays and more. The evening began at 8:00 p.m. and was held at Engineering East on the campus of UMASS Amherst.
- Feb. 15, 1972 - Again, the evening was called “Model RR Night” and included everything from the previous year. This year, however, the meeting was moved to the second floor of Memorial Hall.
- Feb. 20. 1973 - For a third consecutive year, the evening was called “Model RR Night” and the meeting was held in the Commonwealth Room of the Student Union.
- Feb. 19, 1974 - This would be the final year for “Model RR Night,” which changed its venue slightly with displays and films. New to this year was a tag sale and not an auction. It was once again held in the Commonwealth Room of the Student Union on the UMASS Amherst campus.
- Feb.18, 1975 - The first “Model RR Day” consisted of displays, films, a tag sale and more. It began at 2:00 p.m. and lasted to 5pm, again in the Commonwealth Room of the Student Union. This Annual show would continue with the same venue in the same location until 1978.
- Feb. 18, 1979 - The first “Big RR Hobby Show” was held with the first preliminary coupon in January which included a meeting notice that highlighted layouts, displays, clinics, films, live steam, flea market, and more; 1:00 to 5:00 p.m., Ballroom and Commonwealth Room, Student Union. The Amherst Railway Society's HO Scale Modular Layout made its first appearance.
- Feb. 17, 1980 - In 1980, the “Big RR Hobby Show” had its first N-Trak modular layout along with displays and more. At this point in time, the show was still a 4 hour, one day show.
- Feb. 15, 1981 - This would be the final year of the “Big RR Hobby Show” in the Ballroom and Commonwealth Room in the Student Union on the UMASS Amherst Campus. Up to and including this show, the admission was free and the Amherst Railway Society only asked for a small donation at the door.
- Feb. 21, 1982 - The “Big RR Hobby Show” outgrows the space at the UMASS Student Union. The Show moves to the New England Center Building, on the Eastern States Exposition Grounds. This first show lasts for a whopping 5 hours (noon - 5:00pm) and because of the increased expenses of the new location, an admission is charged for the first time: $2.00 for adults and $1.00 for children. This first show is called the "Train Collectors’ Showcase."
- February 26, 1983 - For the next three years, the "Big RR Hobby Show" continues to be held in the New England Center. 1985 would be the last year that the Show was held in the New England Center.
- In 1986, the Show moved to the much larger Better Living Center, but still remained a one day event.
- In 1991, the Show expanded to two days.
- In 1995, the Show increased in size to exhibit in the Better Living Center and Young Building.
- In 2000, the Show increased again to now include the Stroh Building. The venue has not changed until 2008.
- In 2007, the Show is formally renamed, "Amherst Railway Society's Railroad Hobby Show."
- In 2008, the Show expanded to include the front portion of the Mallary Complex known as Mallary North.
- In 2010, the Show expanded to include the "north half" of the huge Mallary Complex directly connected to Mallary North, bringing the total square footage of floor space to over 300,000 square feet or just over 7 acres of exhibit area!
- In 2011, the Show took a few more square feet in the Mallary Complex (15,000), bringing the total square footage to just over a third of a million square feet!
- In 2012, the Show reconfigured some of the buildings to accommodate the new stage and clinic area! The buildings are also fitted with video feeds so that clinic announcements, exhibitor locations and more can be made throughout the day.
- In 2014, the Show presents its first full size railroad car sitting on a length of track (2-ft gauge), a milk car, courtesy of the Wiscassett, Waterville and Farmington Railroad Museum. The Show grows to over 350,000 square feet or just over 8 acres. It now takes more than a day to see all the exhibitors at what is now considered the largest show of its kind in North America!
- In 2016, a record breaking 50+ operating model railroads were on display.
- In 2017, The Show has its first live Steam Locomotive rolling up and down 100 feet of track. Thanks to the folks at Boothbay and Edaville. You should have been there for the opening horn and whistle....it was a sight!!!!
- In 2018, we celebrate our 50th Anniversary Show! We have increased the size to accommodate the number of folks that wanted to participate. Operating layouts are now a record breaking 60+ and we are over the 375,000 square foot mark - 9 acres of trains!
- In 2019, we eek out just a few more square feet to accommodate growing layouts and exhibitors, bring the total very close to the half million square foot mark, making this truly a 2-day Show in order to see it all!
- In 2020, we have a record-breaking year with attendance as well as grant monies raised for other deserving non-profit, railroad related organizations, as well as a scholarship to Rail Camp, USA!
- In 2021, the pandemic had hit the country hard, including West Springfield, MA. The in-person Show was cancelled but was replaced with a marathon VIRTUAL Show that lasted 8 hours on Saturday and 7 hours on Sunday (January 30th and 31st, 2021). We were able to show over 100,000 viewers that this hobby and its related endevours are alive and well!
- In 2022, the Amherst Railway Society experienced some of the worst weather ever seen on the weekend of the Train Show. West Springfield experienced high winds and 5-8 inches of snow, true blizzard conditions. Just east of the area, snow was recorded as high as 24-30 inches through eastern Massachusetts and New England, leaving little time to attend the Show after the weekend of "digging out."
- In 2023. only one phrase can explain it: "...We're Back!" Perfect weather and over 18,000 folks not to mention the 3500 exhibitors that are in the Show!
- In 2024. Crazy attendance for Saturday with over 17,000 people...a record single day for us
- In 2025, a record attendance of 27,535 people. The Show is now considered by Google AI (and others) as the largest Show in North America!